WOOD & Company Blockchain+

WOOD & Company Blockchain+
Asset type:
Qualified investors’ fund
Long-term return target:
20 - 25% p.a.

The scenario presented is an estimate of future performance based on historical data on how the value of the investment is changing and/or current market conditions and is not an accurate indicator. An investor's return will vary depending on the market conditions and how long he/she holds the investment.

Minimum investment:
CZK 1m

The investment is made in euros or crowns. The return to the investor may increase or decrease due to fluctuations in currency exchange rates.

Recommended investment horizon:
5 years plus
Annualised return since inception (€ class):
Return for the last 12 months (€ class):
Fund cost

see KID

Customer category

Qualified investor according to § 272 of Act No. 240/2013 Coll.

Knowledge and experience

Advanced knowledge, basic experience

The ability to bear losses

The potential loss of an investment does not affect the achievement of financial targets; the potential loss of an investment means complications in meeting some financial targets, but does not affect the overall standard of living

Risk tolerance

6 out of 7 by SRI

Why invest

WOOD & Company Blockchain+

Blockchain is a shared database that enables the quick and easy transfer of data in the form of a financial transaction, security, ownership certificate or authorization between individuals and entities without an intermediary.

WOOD & Company BLOCKCHAIN+ is a "Fund of Funds", bringing investors a unique opportunity to invest in a portfolio made up of professional investment funds specialising in blockchain markets and technologies.

The portfolio of these blockchain investment funds is actively managed by our expert team. The WOOD & Company BLOCKCHAIN+ portfolio is built to provide investors with comprehensive and balanced exposure to digital assets. We are thus investing in multiple fund types, which provide us with exposure in the form of direct equity stakes in innovative projects and blockchain-based start-ups, in addition to direct investment in liquid tokens. Market-neutral funds whose performance does not correlate with the direction of the market are the anchor of our portfolio. We recognise that blockchain markets are extremely volatile and cyclical, so we actively adjust the allocation between funds according to the phase of the market cycle.

Liquid tokens

Liquid tokens of blockchain databases, gaming projects, DeFi projects

Algorithmic Trading

Market neutral algorithmic trading

Market Making

Market making, providing liquidity to blockchain exchanges

Bitcoin Feeder

Liquid exposure to Bitcoin

Blockchain Venture Capital

Seed investments in projects and start-ups in the form of equity stakes


Rewards on contributing to the security of blockchain networks

Investing in the most disruptive technology of this generation.

Wood & Company


Date of publication Name
12/2/2024 WOOD SICAV – STATUT Blockchain+ subfund – December 2024 Download
12/1/2024 Monthly Newsletter - November 2024 Download
11/18/2024 Invitation to the Annual General Meeting - December 2024 Download
  • Martin Peška

    Investment Director

  • Tomáš Kacerovský

    Portfolio Manager

  • Barbora Rajnohová

    Investment Manager

  • Tomáš Kalabis

    Investment Analyst

  • Matěj Kmoch

    Investment Analyst

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