WOOD & Company Office Sub‑Fund

WOOD & Company Office Sub‑Fund
Asset type:
Qualified investors' fund
Long-term return target:
8 - 10% p.a.

The scenario presented is an estimate of future performance based on historical data on how the value of the investment is changing and/or current market conditions and is not an accurate indicator. An investor's return will vary depending on the market conditions and how long he/she holds the investment.

Minimum investment:
EUR 125,000

The investment is made in euros or crowns. The return to the investor may increase or decrease due to fluctuations in currency exchange rates.

Recommended investment horizon:
5 years plus
Annualised return since inception (EUR class):

CZK class of investment shares: 10.41%

Return for the last 12 months (EUR class):

CZK class of investment shares: 7.84%

Fund cost

see KIID

Customer category

Qualified investor according to § 272 of Act No. 240/2013 Coll.

Knowledge and experience

Advanced knowledge, basic experience

The ability to bear losses

The potential loss of an investment does not affect the achievement of financial targets; the potential loss of an investment means complications in meeting some financial targets, but does not affect the overall standard of living

Risk tolerance

6 out of 7 by SRI


Investment in office buildings is time-tested. It brings a solid return even in times of crisis. Our fund owns assets with well-defined operating economics and has a competitive advantage over new development. The buildings were built at lower prices. They hold value at which new projects cannot be built now. This also makes it easier for them to optimise rents and to work better with tenants, inflation and sustainable growth.


Quality office buildings in Prague, Bratislava and Warsaw are a part of our conservative, systematically built and diversified portfolio. Since 2017, we have been optimising and actively developing a portfolio of buildings in exceptional locations with good appreciation prospects, a diverse tenant mix and a stable cash flow. A conservative debt level is also crucial for us.

"We focus on commercial properties that provide an attractive yield, are well financed, have good quality tenants, and offer investors a degree of stability and predictability. And that's not so common in today's world."

Jiří Hrbáček, Portfolio manager of WOOD & Company Real Estate Funds


Name Total area Acquisition date
Astrum Business Park 23 000 m2 2Q 2022
Concept Tower 9 000 m2 1Q 2024
Date of publication Name
11/18/2024 Invitation to the Annual General Meeting - December 2024 Download
11/18/2024 Articles of Association of a joint stock company Download
11/18/2024 Proposal of the Supervisory Board for the appointment of the auditor for the calendar years 2024, 2025 and 2026 Download

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