WOOD & Co. successfully executed and settled in its capacity as Joint Global Coordinator the sale by select shareholders of c. 5.3m shares of a c. 18.9% stake in Shoper S.A. via the accelerated bookbuilding.
Shoper S.A. is a leading B2B IT company delivering software as a service (SaaS) solutions for online stores in Poland. The company focuses on the fast-growing segment of SMEs from various sectors, offering online marketing, payments (incl. recent partnership with Stripe for international sales growth), logistics, apps, security and analytics, and many other value-added services. Shoper’s strategy focuses on growing the share of GMV-related revenues from additional services (the pay-as-you-grow model) and its growth is supported by M&As, including its fast-growing Apilo platform focused on omnichannel merchants.
Our sincere congratulations to all selling shareholders Marcin Kusmierz, Krzysztof Krawczyk, Rafał Krawczyk as well as V4C Team Rafal Alasa and Piotr Misztal. Thank you for your ongoing confidence in us!
On the WOOD side, the transaction was overseen and executed by the IB team, including Jarosław Deryło, Przemysław Błogowski, Bartlomiej Jarysz and Nick Kaufmann as well as the legal team, Magdalena Orzoł and Jakub Jurewicz.
We would also like to thank two remaining banks involved in the transaction as well as GreenbergTraurig for their successful support.